All courses of the SME program can be taken as individual courses in any order. You can join the SME cycle anytime - talk to us if you have questions about this!
Directed by Friederike Tröscher in collaboration with Nina Wehnert & Odile Seitz-Walser
Through the study of each body system and the developmental movement process, participants learn the fundamentals of embodiment practices. Whilst working on ourselves and others, we embody the anatomy and physiology of our physical structures; we experience the lifelong foundations of early developmental movement patterns from embryological times through the first year of life, we touch and are touched in partnering hands-on techniques; we use sound, vibration, verbal dialogue and more to access the body’s wonders. The experience of the inner tissues and movement organization is brought to consciousness and taken into expression. The SME material has immediate applications to movement based disciplines— such as dance, yoga, sports, martial arts – and to other therapeutic modalities such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychotherapy, bodywork and massage as well as to the field of arts.
Courses happen in Klein Jasedow & Vussem.
If you are living in Germany and are self-employed for at least two years, there is a funding option through KOMPASS that might apply to you. Contact us if you want more information. Here’s the extra registration form that you need to fill out if you are receiving funding through KOMPASS. The regular registration form you’ll find at the end of this page.
Download document with all dates and description of courses.
11.9.-14.9.2024 - Klein Jasedow
Senses & Perception 1
How we filter, modify, distort, accept, reject, and use that information is part of the act of perceiving. Perception is a global experience. It is the psychophysical process of interpreting information based on past experience, present circumstances and future expectations. When we choose to absorb information, we bond to that aspect of our environment. When we block out information, we defend against that aspect. Learning is the process by which we vary our responses to information based on the context of each situation.
This course includes:
Exploration of the six senses (movement, touch, taste, smell, hearing and vision).
Analysis of the perceptual-response cycle as the process of perception.
Bonding, defending and learning as psychophysical processes based on your perceptions. -
17.-27.9.2024 - Klein Jasedow
The Skeletal System
Course length: 9 days, 63 class hours
This system provides us with our basic supporting structure. It is composed of the bones and the joints. The bones lever us through space and support our weight in relationship to gravity and the shape of our movements through space. The spaces within the joints give us the possibility of movement and provide the axes around which the movement occurs.
The skeletal system gives our body the basic form through which we can locomote through space, act on the environment, and sculpt and create the energy forms in space that we call movement. Through embodying the skeletal system, the mind becomes structurally organized, providing the supporting ground for our thoughts, the leverage for our ideas, and the fulcrums or spaces between our ideas for the articulation and understanding of their relationships. It provides the foundation for the psychophysical qualities of clarity, effortlessness and form.
This course includes:
Skeletal principles that enhance effortless movement.
The relationships between bones and joints and how they integrate through the whole body.
Evaluation and repatterning of skeletal alignment and movement imbalances.
Techniques for facilitating the repatterning of the internal structure of bone. -
9.-16.1.2025 - Klein Jasedow
The Organ System
Course length: 7 days, 49 class hours
Our organs are vital and alive. They provide us with our sense of self, full-bodiedness, and organic authenticity. Organs are the contents within the skeletal-flesh container and carry on the functions of our internal survival — breathing, nourishment and elimination. Organs are the primary habitats or natural environments of our emotions, aspirations, and the memories of our inner reactions to our personal and social histories. They support our postural tone and our feelings, and give volume to our movement.
This course includes:
Initiating breath, voice, movement and touch from the organs.
Analyzing imbalances in individual organs and the organ system as a whole.
Techniques to facilitate access to and balance in the organs. -
19.-26.1.2025 - Klein Jasedow
Basic Neurocellular Patterns (BNP)
course length: 7 days, 49 class hours
The development of these patterns in humans parallels the evolutionary development of movement through the animal kingdom. The Basic Neurocellular Patterns are the words of our movement. They are the building blocks for the phrases and sentences of our activities. They also establish a base for our perceptual relationships (including body image and spatial orientation) and for our learning and communication.
The BNP are one of the foundations of Body-Mind Centering® and are interwoven with the Embodied Anatomy (body-systems material) in later courses. The BNP have extensive application in the areas of movement and psychophysical expression. Done in sequences, the BNP can also form the basis for a deep and ongoing personal movement practice.
This course includes:
Exploration of the prevertebrate patterns: Vibration, Cellular, Sponging, Pulsation, Mouthing, and Prespinal.
Exploration of the vertebrate patterns: spinal, homologous, homolateral, and contralateral.
Distinguishing and integrating the actions of yield, push, reach and pull.
Combinations of the vertebrate patterns that facilitate their integration.
Facilitating developmental repatterning in yourself and others. -
27.6.-3.7.2025 - Klein Jasedow
Primitive Reflexes, Righting Reactions & Equilibrium Responses (RRR)
Course length: 6 days, 42 class hours
The Primitive Reflexes, Righting Reactions, and Equilibrium Responses are the fundamental elements, the alphabet, of our movement. Underneath all successful, effortless movement are integrated reflexes, righting reactions and equilibrium responses. The reflexes are the most primitive patterns that occur in response to specific stimuli, and they establish basic survival patterns of function. The righting reactions are important in establishing a vertical or upright posture against gravity and a continuous head-torso axis. The equilibrium responses are patterns which maintain balance of the whole body in the dynamic relationship between the shifting of one’s center of gravity through space and one’s base of support.
This course includes:
Fundamental building blocks of human movement.
Postural tone and physiological flexion and extension.
Differentiating the RRR in relation to the three planes of movement (horizontal, vertical, sagittal).
The roles of the RRR in readiness for relating to earth and heaven, gathering and reaching, taking hold and letting go, weight bearing, rolling, vertical uprightness, locomotion and equilibrium. -
6.-10.7.2025 - Klein Jasedow
Ontogenetic Development
Course length: 5 days, 35 class hours
The period from intrauterine life through approximately 12 months of age is an extraordinarily formative time for humans. Our basic movement patterns emerge in utero, are present at birth, and develop through the first year of life. It is during this time that we build the groundwork for our movement and perceptual skills and pass through the milestones by which we mark our development
This course includes:
Developmental milestones including: fetal movement, nursing, head control, eye-hand coordination, rolling, circumduction, belly crawling, quadrupedal crawling, sitting, kneelsitting, kneelstanding, half kneelsitting, half kneel-standing, squatting, standing, cruising, walking.
The sequence of development that allows the infant to progress through each and all skill levels during its developmental process.
Patterns of movement that inhibit more integrated skills from developing.
Facilitating integrated movement skills and inhibiting patterns which limit full development. -
9.-15.1.2026 - Klein Jasedow
The Fluid System
Course length: 6 days, 42 class hours
The fluids are the transportation system of the body. They underlie presence and transformation, set the ground for basic communication, and mediate the dynamics of flow between rest and activity, tension and relaxation. The characteristics of each fluid relate to a different quality of movement, touch, voice, and state of mind. These relationships can be approached from the aspects of movement, mind states, or from anatomical and physiological functioning.
This course includes:
The major fluids of the body (cellular, interstitial and transitional fluids, blood, lymph, synovial fluid, and cerebrospinal fluid).
Distinguishing the qualities of specific fluids through movement and touch.
Initiating movement from each of the fluids.
Identifying individual psychophysical characteristics of each of the fluids and their various combinations.
Gaining awareness of your own fluid affinities and recognizing their embodiment and expression in others. -
18.-25.1.2026 - Klein Jasedow
The Nervous System
Course length: 7 days, 49 class hours
Experience first occurs on the cellular level. The nervous system is the recording system of the body. It records our experiences and organizes them into patterns. It can then recall the experience and modify it by integrating it with patterns of other systems and previous experiences. The nervous system is the last to know, but, once knowing, it becomes a major control center of psychophysical processes. It can initiate the learning of new experience through creativity and play. The nervous system underlies alertness, thought, and precision of coordination and establishes the perceptual base from which we view and interact with our internal and external worlds.
This course includes:
Distinguishing experientially the organization of the nervous system: central/peripheral; somatic/autonomic; sensory/motor.
Differentiating and integrating from a psychophysical perspective the enteric nervous system of the gut, the parasympathetic and sympathetic pathways, and the somatic nerves.
Assessing and releasing blockages in the nerve pathways (brain and spinal cord, autonomic nerves, major somatic and autonomic plexes and their peripheral pathways).
Understanding the principles of nerve reversals and methods of releasing them.
Exploring balance of the autonomic nervous system as a calm support for intentional movement.
How intentional movement provides the container of expression for autonomic movement. -
28.6.-2.7.2026 - Klein Jasedow
The Endocrine System
Course length: 5 days, 35 class hours
The endocrine glands are the major chemical governing system of the body and are closely aligned with the nervous system. Their secretions pass directly into the blood stream and their balance or imbalance influences all of the cells in the body. The glands are the keystone between the organs and the nervous system and between the nervous system and the fluids. They create crystalline psychophysical states through which we are able to experience and understand the universal aspect of self.
This is the system of internal stillness, surges or explosions of chaos/balance and the crystallization of energy into archetypal experiences. The endocrine glands underlie intuition and the perceiving and understanding of the Universal Mind.
This course includes:
Initiating breath, voice and movement from each of the following glands and bodies: coccygeal body, perineal body, gonads, adrenals, pancreas, thoracobody, heart body, thymus, thyroid, parathyroids, carotid bodies, pituitary, mammillary bodies and pineal body.
Distinguishing their reflex points.
Aligning their energy centers along the spine.
Establishing their relationships to bones and joints.
Analyzing the glandular support of the spine and head. -
5.-12.7.2026 - Klein Jasedow
The Ligamentous & Fascial System
Course length: 7 days, 49 class hours
Fascia provides the tensegrity matrix of the whole body. It wraps around all other structures as one continuous spiraling, multilayered, and multidimensional network of expansive sheaths, enclosed containers and specialized attachments. These specialized attachments are the ligaments.
The ligaments set the boundaries of movement between the bones. They coordinate and guide muscular responses by directing the path of movement between the bones and provide specificity, clarity, and efficiency for the alignment and movement of the bones. When all of the ligaments of a joint are actively engaged, the movement of that joint becomes highly specific and is carried effortlessly to surrounding and successive joints.
Fascia supports the psychophysical quality of micromovements of condensing and expanding consciousness without specific content within the embracing context of unity. The ligaments support the psychophysical quality of detailed specificity.
This course includes:
Differentiating structures by sliding the fascial sheaths between them.
Integrating structures by engaging the connectivity of the fascial matrix surrounding them.
Facilitating micro-condensing and micro-expanding movement of the fascia to increase turgidity, flexibility, strength, and mobility.
Initiating movement from the ligaments.
Facilitating freedom, resilience, strength and integration of the ligaments through touch and repatterning.
Releasing ligaments from the restrictions of surrounding tissues.
Integrating ligaments into their corresponding fascial planes. -
9.-19.1.2027 - Vussem
The Muscular System
Course length: 9 days, 63 class hours
The muscles establish a tensile three-dimensional grid for the balanced support and movement of the skeletal structure by providing the elastic forces that move the bones through space. They provide the dynamic contents of the outer envelope of flesh encompassing the skeletal structure. Through this system we embody our vitality, express our power, and engage in the dialogue of resistance and resolution.
This course includes:
Innovative muscle principles (proximal and distal initiation, muscle coupling and currenting, A and B muscles, four stages of a muscle action, eight functions of a muscle).
Embodying muscles and initiating movement at the molecular level (actin and myosin).
The embodied functions of proprioceptors (muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs).
Analyzing the actions of individual muscles and of groups of muscles from the perspective of one’s position in relation to gravity.
Interrelationships between muscles in different parts of the body and as they pass through different fascial planes.
Techniques of muscle reeducation and training. -
21.1.2027 - Vussem
SME Competency
22.-24.1.2027 - Vussem
Professional Issues 1 / Graduation
Course length: 2 days, 14 class hours
What does it mean to be a professional and how do you transition into this role? This course will cover some of the important issues facing professionals in the somatic field.
This course includes:
The student/movement educator relationship.
Responsibilities of being a professional, including ethical guidelines and health precautions.
Setting up and managing a professional practice, such as, finances, publicity, managing space and time, promotion, interfacing with other professionals, supervision and networking.
Prerequisites: Completion of all other Somatic Movement Education Program courses