With Friederike, Nina & Odile moveus consists of three deeply experienced teachers who have worked in the field of Body-Mind Centering® since many years internationally.
Friederike has been directing moveus since 2007. Nina and Odile have joined moveus in 2022.
All three have a strong background in dance and movement. Expression through art and therapy is the underlying ground of moveus.
Friederike lives in Rhöndorf (near Cologne). Her background is in occupational therapy, new dance, contact improvisation and rebirthing, with further experience in Biodynamic Massage, dance therapy and meditation practice. Many years she has worked with children with developmental challenges. She was trained at the School for Body-Mind Centering® under the direction of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen from 1995-2002. Since 1995 she teaches this work in different contexts (workshops, conferences, dance and music programs in universities) and is involved with holding the licensed trainings since 2003. She is part of the founding team of moveus and a director since then. She offers workshops, individual sessions and a one-year BMC training in Cologne.
If you want to receive Friederike’s newsletter click here.
Nina is a certified Practitioner and Teacher of Body-Mind Centering®, graduated as an IDME (Infant Development Movement Educator) as well as in the Yoga and BMC® Program, lives in Berlin and teaches Body-Mind Centering® internationally. She studied Contemporary Dance; is dancing and teaching Contact Improvisation more than 25 years, and taught for more than 15 years Vinyasa Yoga extensively. She studied BMC® with moveus in Germany and with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen in the US. She is offering her own BMC® training programs currently in Berlin, Freiburg and Italy, teaches workshops and Intensives at CI Festivals and is a regular guest teacher at the axis syllabus movement artisans trainings, at the Tanzfabrik Dance Intensive Program and in several Yoga Teacher Trainings. She is offering private sessions and since 2020 regular online classes through Tanzfabrik Berlin. On her website you can find a library of the recorded classes.
If you want to receive Nina’s newsletter click here.
Odile grew up in France, is living in Berlin since 2000. She works as dancer, craniosacral therapist, practitioner and teacher of Body-Mind Centering®. After her dance career in France and Germany, she studied with SOMA, the BMC® certification program in France. Since 2005, she teaches internationally in dance schools and contemporary dance festivals (Fabrik Potsdam, Potsdamer Tanztage, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Tanzfestival Bielefeld, ImpulsTanz Wien…), at universities for dance and choreography (HZT Berlin) and for social workers (FHWS Würzburg and FHCHP Potsdam) and at dance teacher education programs (Seneca Berlin). Since many years she offers individual sessions for grown-ups, babies and children supporting developmental challenges and internal dynamics.
If you want to receive Odile’s newsletter click here.
moveus was founded in 2007 by Jens Johannsen, Friederike Tröscher and Thomas Greil to host BMC® Certification Programs in Germany.
Jens, Friederike and Thomas started working together in 2003, when they were part of the team offering the first BMC® program in Germany. After this program ended they formed moveus to ensure the continuity of these programs. Jens and Friederike directed, developed and cultivated moveus from 2007-2022, providing a frame for SME and Practitioner Programs as well as for the BMC® Teacher Training and the Embodied Anatomy & Yoga Training. Moveus organized several events featuring Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, in an attempt to bring together the BMC® community as well as spreading the work further. Continuing on his personal journey Jens left moveus in 2022 and Nina Wehnert and Odile Seitz-Walser joined the organization. With this new team moveus continues to offer SME and Practitioner Programs and is adding the IDME (Infant Developmental Movement Education) Program with Thomas coming back as a director for this particular application.
Klein Jasedow
In a small village in North-eastern Germany, we are hosted by the European Academy of Healing Arts e.V. The “Klanghaus”, a studio originally dedicated to sound and music, is surrounded by lakes, fields, forests and gentle hills. An enchanting landscape that invites peace and contemplation. The Baltic Sea is close by and can be visited during the days off. Participants stay in accommodations in the neighbor villages.
European Academy of Healing Arts e.V.
Am See 1
17440 Klein Jasedow
Vussem is a small village, 60km south of Cologne, embedded in a geological interesting area called “Eifel”. The landscape is formed by volcanos -rolling hills and old forests are inviting for long walks and immersion into nature. A public bath with large sauna area is close by and can be visited during the days off. The studio is hosted by the Feldenkraiszentrum.
Trierer Strasse 27
53894 Mechernich
Frequently asked questions
Can I book courses of the SME program individually?
Yes. All courses of the SME program can be booked individually and in any order (exceptions are Competency and Professional Issues 1, which are taken at the end of the program). With this you have the possibility to enter the program at any point and to decide if you want to follow the whole training or just pick individual topics. To enter the Practitioner program you first have to be certified as a Somatic Movement Educator (SME).
Can I book courses in different places?
Yes. You can take courses with every organization that is authorized to offer BMC® certification programs in any order. It is possible to take different courses in different locations and have them all count towards certification. Nevertheless it is worth taking into account that the group process is an essential part of the learning and many participants find it helpful to have a primary place where they study. A list with organizations offering BMC® certification programs you find here. For the Practitioner program we highly recommend to stay with the same group for all courses, because group dynamics, psychophysical integration and a stronger emphasis on facilitating process are in the focus.
What are the different certification programs?
• the Somatic Movement Educator Program (SME) -the first two years of study
• the Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner Program -additional 2 years of study after completing the SME.
• Infant DevelopmentalMovement Educator (IDME) -application of BMC principles and techniques in the work with babies and their families.
Who can use the name “Body-Mind Centering®”?
Body-Mind Centering® and BMC® are registered service marks and belong to Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen. Only graduates who are also professional members of the BMC® Association, are eligible to use these names.
After graduating from the SME program, can I use the name “Body-Mind Centering®"?
Yes, after graduating from one of the School for Body-Mind Centering® licensed programs and becoming a professional member of the BMC® Association you can use ”Body-Mind Centering®” and “BMC®”.
What are additional costs besides the courses?
You need to pay for travel, housing, food. If you want to be certified you need to pay for the sessions that are part of the homework.
For the SME:
5x Guidance Sessions: 5×30€= 150€
3x Personal Sessions: 3×60€ (we recommend to do more)
Total: 210€For the Practitioner:
14 Guidance Sessions: 14x 30€=420€
4 Personal Sessions: 4x 60€=240€
4 Supervision Sessions: 2x 45€ + 2x 90€=270€
Total: 930€For the IDME:
4 Guidance Sessions of the foundational courses (they do not have to be done twice if you already certified in the SME):
4x 30€=120€
2 Personal Sessions: 2x 60€= 120€
2 Supervision Sessions: 2,5x 60€= 150€
Total: 390€ -
Is there a funding possibility for people living in Germany?
Yes. The “Europäischer Sozialfonds” is offering for people living in Germany and work as freelancer since more than 2 years a funding possibility.
For more information check:
or contact us for further details
Here are some questions that keep coming back to us and some answers to them. If you have more questions don’t hesitate to contact us
moveus GbR
Löwenburgstraße 50a
53604 Bad Honnef
Phone: +49 2224 9601531